Tuesday, August 19, 2008


The maximum allowable unexcused absences per semester are not more than 20% of the total class hour. This is dependent on the required class meetings given as follows:




















Excused absences are limited to the following:

1. Illness, injury certified by attending physician or written statement signed by parent or guardian if not attended by a physician.

2. Death of next kin (grandparent, parent, brother, sister, spouse, etc.)

3. Attendance to seminar, workshop and the like approved by the School Administrator, Department Head or Dean.

4. Attendance in official school/institutional activity.

5. Other special cases deemed acceptable by the School Administrator, Department Head and Dean

6. Excuse slip must be obtained from the Guidance Counselor who will evaluate reasons presented.

7. Excuse slip must be presented to the instructor(s) concerned upon the student’s return to class.


1. Checking of attendance is required starting the first day of classes.

2. Class cards must be submitted during the first meeting of each class and the day of entrance must be marked/recorded by putting an “E” at the back of the classcard corresponding to the day of entrance to the class.

3. Late enrollees and those who did not appear during the first meeting of classes shall be marked absent for the day (s) missed.


Students enrolled in other institutions may be admitted only upon:

1. Submission of a written permit to cross enroll from the Registrar of the school where primarily enrolled.

2. The subject and total units to be registered must be indicated in the said permit.

3. Reason for cross enrollment must be also stated.

4. Students from St. Anthony College may also be allowed to cross enroll if the subject needed are not offered.

5. Permit to cross enroll must be duly approved by the Registrar and the Dean.


A student who intends to withdraw from or drop subjects enrolled for a particular semester may do so provided the dropping is made a week after the midterm examination. In such case, no failing grade is given.

A student is entitled to refund tuition fee excluding miscellaneous fee in accordance with the following schedule:

For Regular Semester

Before opening of classes - 90%

One week after opening of classes - 70%

Two weeks after opening of classes - 50%

Three weeks after opening of classes - 30%

Four weeks after opening of classes - no refund

For the Summer classes

Before opening of classes - 90%

One day after opening of classes - 70%

Two days after opening of classes - 50%

Three days after opening of classes - 30%

Four days after opening of classes - no refund


A student may drop a subject by filing the prescribed form a week after the midterm examination. The following steps are required:

1. Seek advice from the professor or instructor concerned and Guidance Counselor.

2. Obtain dropping form from the Registrar’s Office

3. Pay the dropping fee amounting to Php 10.00 per unit at the Cashier’s Office.

4. Let the duly accomplished form be signed by the instructor and the Dean

5. Submit the form to the Registrar for approval.

6. Student record will show DRP or officially dropped.

7. Failure to go through the above steps will mean a failing grade for subjects not attended. Consent of the parents is required in dropping three or more subjects.

8. Dropping may not be approved without parents’ consent.


Changing of subjects may be done not later than two weeks after the last day of registration. Forms to be accomplished are available with a fee of Php 10.00 per unit at the Registrar’s Office. All changes shall be:

1. Noted by the instructor.

2. Referred to the Dean/Department Head for final action

3. Presented to the Registrar for action.

4. Submitted to the Accounting Office for necessary adjustments or reassessment of fees.

5. Pay specified fee to the Cashier’s Office

6. File the accomplished form at the Registrar’s Office


1. A regular student shall carry a load not exceeding the maximum number of units prescribed in the semester in their curriculum.

2. An irregular student will carry a load prescribed by the Registrar’s Office.

3. Working students are allowed to carry a load of 15 units only.

4. Reducing load may be prescribed to students with poor scholastic performance during the preceding semester. The Registrar through the Registration adviser makes the decision based on the number of failures and other considerations deemed necessary.

5. Graduating students may be allowed to overload not exceeding to 6 units.


1. All students shall enroll during the prescribed enrolment period

2. Late registration fines are imposed as follows

Php 50.00 – First day after the prescribed period

Php 30.00 – charged each day thereafter

3. No enrolment shall be allowed two weeks after the first day of classes.


Incoming freshmen

1. Ask for Entrance Examination and English Proficiency Examination result from the Guidance Office. If the score in the English Proficiency Examination is below passing – required to enroll in English Plus and Math Plus

2. Submit all admission requirements – Registrar’s Office Registration form will be issued.

3. Report to the Department Head or Dean for Interview.

4. Secure a tracer slip and fill up registration form

5. Copy class schedule.

6. Submit the filled up Registration for checking of entries and approval of the Registration Adviser.

7. Present duly accomplished Registration Form to the Registrar and Dean for approval

8. Proceed to the clinic for the Medical and Physical Examination.

9. Report for interview at the Guidance Counselor Office with the 2 x 2 ID pictures

10. Report at the Student Affairs Office to fill-up the Waiver of Agreement (WOA)

11. Register to the NSTP.

12. Go the Accounting Office for the Assessment of Fees.

13. Proceed to the Cashier’s Office for the Payment of Fees.

14. Submit completed form at the Registrar’s Office for the issuance of class cards.


1. Take the validation examination from the Guidance Office.

2. Present transfer credentials – Registrar’s Office.

3. Secure enrolment transfer slip – Registrar’s Office.

4. Report to the Dean for interview.

5. Seek assistance on subject to take – Registration Adviser.

6. Follow steps 4-13 for Incoming Freshmen.

Old students not enrolled during the previous semester

1. Secure Readmission slip – Registrar’s Office.

2. Request for evaluation of subjects taken and passed – Registrar’s Office.

3. Obtain Registration Form – Registrar’s Office.

4. Report to the Department Head or Dean for Interview.

5. Follow steps 4-14 for Incoming Freshmen.

Continuing Students

1. Present College ID and classcards – Registrar’s Office Issuance of Registration Form.

2. Report to the Department Head or Dean for interview.

3. Secure enrollment tracer slip; fill up registration form.

4. Follow steps 5-14 for Incoming Freshmen.


Incoming freshmen

1. Original copy of the High School report card (Form 138)

2. Original copy of Birth Certificate

3. Certificate of Good Moral Character

4. Two 1 x 1 recent photo for School ID and Library Card

5. Four 2 x 2 recent photo for student jacket and guidance form

6. Four pcs. self-addressed letter envelopes with stamp

7. Entrance Examination


1. Honorable Dismissal

2. Original copy of Birth Certificate

3. Two 1 x 1 recent photo for student jacket and Guidance form

4. Four 2 x 2 self-addres.sed letter envelopes with stamp

5. Certificate of Good Moral Character

Continuing students

1. College Identification Card

2. Complete class cards of previous semester


The St. Anthony College expects all students to use academic, social and cultural opportunities offered by the College for the development of their interest and potentials which later on could be vital in their community transformation towards wellness, security and prosperity.

The Administration regularly keeps the students informed through the bulletin board postings. Likewise bulletin board postings serve as the primary channel through which the student activities are directed and monitored. Students are therefore obliged to read announcements in the bulletin board to be informed of what is happening in the College.

All SAC students should strictly observe the following:

1. Upholding the good name of the College through word or actions

2. Harmonious relationship with the administrative personnel, faculty, non-teaching staff and other students

3. Observance of the proper conduct and decorum

4. Enthusiastic and meaningful participation in curricular, co curricular and extracurricular activities and community services

5. Regular attendance in all classes enrolled

6. Compliance with all the requirements prescribed in their subjects

7. Taking of the periodical examination as scheduled

8. Care in the use of the College facilities

9. Wearing of the College Identification Card in the College campus

10. Immediately informing the Registrar’s office for change of residence or status

11. On weather conditions, watching for CHED announcements on TV screen or turning on the radio

12. When other emergency/calamity occurs which may endanger the safety of students, the College Administrator may suspend classes. Announcement to this effect will be made accordingly.


Ø Love of God

Ø Search for Truth

Ø Patience

Ø Compassion

Ø Loyalty


St. Anthony College envisions to become an empowered institution of Higher Learning sustaining quality and excellence in the fields of Engineering and Technology, Medical Science, Business and Tourism, Education and Allied Disciplines. Graduates take the leadership role in generating gainful employment and have earned worldwide recognition for expertise in the profession contributing much to the development of the socio-economic life and welfare of humanity here at home and across the globe.


St. Anthony College aims to provide higher level of instruction along technological, professional and scientific education, to produce globally competitive graduates equipped with productive skills and abilities with sense of responsibility and commitment in delivering basic, social, economic and ecological services that spearhead progress, improve quality of life and ultimately uphold human dignity.


St. Anthony College believes that God is Supreme over His creation. That God is the source of wisdom for us to understand that:

Ø Education is a sublime responsibility of the institution, hence the culture of excellence,

Ø Equal opportunity for every learner must be provided, regardless of race, beliefs, talents, abilities, interests and social status,

Ø Education is an effective instrument in the total development of an individual morally, spiritually, socially, intellectually and physically, and

There is no end to learning. It is a lifelong process.


O Glorious St. Anthony, Divinely endowed with the learning of Saints, I desire to place my studies under your protection. Guided by your example, I wish to draw all my knowledge from the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

With your assistance, I will study, to do my duty in the spirit of penance and with a pure intention.

May the father of light grant me, through your intercession, a bright intellect, a sound judgment and a retentive memory.

Help me to study patiently, orderly and constantly to develop in me the gifts of God and always to make good use of them according to His divine will.

O Dear St. Anthony, grant me to succeed in all my studies and examinations if it is for the greater glory of God and the benefit of my soul.



St. Anthony College is a relatively young and promising institution of higher learning. The opportunity to put up the Institution was recognized in response to the growing needs of the youth in Oriental Mindoro. Through the initiative of the incorporators, the opportunity came into reality.

St. Anthony College emerged as full-fledged College in 2004. It was registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission as a Private Non-Sectarian Stock Corporation and granted a permit by the Commission on Higher Education to open initial courses. The existence of the institution was made possible through the consolidated efforts of its directors namely, Atty. Bayani C. Delos Reyes, Dr. George C. Cordero, Mrs. Milagros C. Catibog, Mr. Felix P. Reyes and Mr. Paul L. Erazo. Making also remarkable contribution in the opening of the College were Atty. Bayani C. Delos Reyes, its first president, Mrs. Betty D. Landicho, the Registrar and Mrs. Cynthia Mendoza, the Program Coordinator. Another strong pillar in the founding of the College was Sr. Maria Concepcion G. Cajilig, O.P. who served the College as Dean of Academic Affairs.

In the school year 2004-2005, the College started to offer Bachelor of Science in Nursing with total enrollees of 150. CHED granted a two-year level permit during the administration of Dr. Maria Rita C. Ortiz. The College also opened the two-year course Associate in Computer Technology leading to Bachelor of Science in Information Technology with 84 students. The following year Bachelor of Science in Business Administration was added. Different TESDA courses were also offered like two-year Computer Science, Two-year Computer Secretarial and Two-year Computer Technician.

This school year 2007-2008, the courses being offered increased to Six Bachelor’s Degree Programs and 14 short-term courses ranging from one semester to three-year courses. The administrative staff serving the College are seventeen in all with 300 students. The present Administrator, Mr. Jamesy I. Reyes with all faculty and staff are exhausting all means for the College to offer additional programs and serve more people.