Incoming freshmen
1. Ask for Entrance Examination and English Proficiency Examination result from the Guidance Office. If the score in the English Proficiency Examination is below passing – required to enroll in English Plus and Math Plus
2. Submit all admission requirements – Registrar’s Office Registration form will be issued.
3. Report to the Department Head or Dean for Interview.
4. Secure a tracer slip and fill up registration form
5. Copy class schedule.
6. Submit the filled up Registration for checking of entries and approval of the Registration Adviser.
7. Present duly accomplished Registration Form to the Registrar and Dean for approval
8. Proceed to the clinic for the Medical and Physical Examination.
9. Report for interview at the Guidance Counselor Office with the 2 x 2 ID pictures
10. Report at the Student Affairs Office to fill-up the Waiver of Agreement (WOA)
11. Register to the NSTP.
12. Go the Accounting Office for the Assessment of Fees.
13. Proceed to the Cashier’s Office for the Payment of Fees.
14. Submit completed form at the Registrar’s Office for the issuance of class cards.
1. Take the validation examination from the Guidance Office.
2. Present transfer credentials – Registrar’s Office.
3. Secure enrolment transfer slip – Registrar’s Office.
4. Report to the Dean for interview.
5. Seek assistance on subject to take – Registration Adviser.
6. Follow steps 4-13 for Incoming Freshmen.
Old students not enrolled during the previous semester
1. Secure Readmission slip – Registrar’s Office.
2. Request for evaluation of subjects taken and passed – Registrar’s Office.
3. Obtain Registration Form – Registrar’s Office.
4. Report to the Department Head or Dean for Interview.
5. Follow steps 4-14 for Incoming Freshmen.
Continuing Students
1. Present College ID and classcards – Registrar’s Office Issuance of Registration Form.
2. Report to the Department Head or Dean for interview.
3. Secure enrollment tracer slip; fill up registration form.
4. Follow steps 5-14 for Incoming Freshmen.